1) State Issued Identification
– Bring a state-issued ID card such as a passport, driver’s license or commercial drivers’s license to your visit.

2) Current Medical Card
– Bring your current certification or wallet card to your DOT physical
3) Corrective Aids
– Make sure your prescription is up to date and bring your corrective aids such as (contacts, eyeglasses, hearing aids) with you to the DOT physical.

4) Medication List
– A list of medications if you are taking any as well as dosage, frequency, the name and phone number of the provider that last prescribed each.
5) Medical Release Letter
– If you have any health conditions, bring the name and contact in formation for the doctor who treats you for each condition. Conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, or sleep apnea typically require additional paperwork, such as sleep test results or stress test results.
EXAMPLE: If you have diabetes, you may need to bring the results of a recent blood test called a hemoglobin A1C to demonstrate compliance with management requirements for that condition.

6) Other Tips
– *Urinalysis is required for the DOT physical. Drink plenty of water and be ready to provide a urine sample.*Refrain from smoking, eating salty foods, drinking sugary drinks or any caffeinated drinks like coffee before your examination for best results!
*Download and complete your Medical Exam Report Form to save time in our lobby.